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Farm Animal Care

Yes, even farmers and ranchers deserve a chance to get away for a while.  Lucky Pet at Home has Pet Care Providers with extensive experience taking care of all types of farm animals and livestock.  Services provided include feeding, watering, turning out, brushing, shedding, hoof picking, carding, milking, cleaning stalls and enclosures and mucking.  And since we provide services around the clock, we can be "up at the crack of dawn" to get the chores done.

Animal Types:

  • Large = Horse, Donkey, Llama, Alpaca, Cow, Pig

  • Small = Goat, Sheep, Rabbit (in pen)

  • Poultry = Chicken, Turkey, Goose, Duck

  • Caged Show/Breeding Birds = Peacock, Pigeon, and other birds

  • Other animals as required


  • Includes 2 visits (morning and evening) for up to 3 large or small animals (in pen) or single pen of 4 small animals

  • Service includes feeding, watering, checking on animals' well-being, turn out/bring in, blanket removal/covering, light pen/yard cleaning

  • Also includes care of up to 3 dogs/3 cats or combination of 4 house/barn pets and up to 10 outdoor poultry/birds


  • Additional Large Animal above the number of included animals

  • Additional Small Animal above the number of included animals

  • Additional Poultry/Birds (in groups of 10) above the number of included poultry/birds

  • Additional House/Barn Pets above the number of included pets

  • Grooming (includes brush, shed, hoof pick, card -- does not include clipping hair or trimming hoofs)

  • Milking (with machine or by hand)

  • Extensive Pen/Yard Cleaning (cleaning that takes more than 15 minutes)

Overnight visits are available to care for pets


What our customers are saying

"The Lucky Pet at Home team has taken care of our 3 horses, 2 donkeys, 3 goats, 3 dogs, 5 cats and 10 chickens for years for a reasonable price. You can contact me for a reference or with questions!"

Mary V. - Lucky Pet Farm Client         

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