Where Your Pet is Our Priority
In-Your-Home Pet Care plus SO MUCH MORE​
In COLORADO, Serving -- El Paso County, Colorado Springs, Fountain,
Pueblo, Pueblo West, Manitou Springs, Cripple Creek, Woodland Park, Divide,
Monument, Castle Rock, Black Forest, Falcon/Peyton, Calhan, Rush, Ft Carson,
Peterson AFB, Schriever AFB, Air Force Academy, Freemont County and ALL areas in between.
"Caring for your pets ...
when you can't ....."
Affiliates and Referrals
Lucky Pet At Home Pet Services is
"Independently owned and operated, with marketing affiliation with Lucky Dog Resorts"
Lucky Dog Resort Central
4401 Mark Dabling Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
719 599 WOOF (9663)
Lucky Dog Resort South
2801 Janitell Rd E
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
719 527 WOOF (9663)
57 Sunflower Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone #( 719) 646 - 1422
Email: trainers@houseofdogtraining.com
POOP 911
Poop 911 We Scoop Dog Poop
Afraid to be in your own backyard?
Dog poop cleanup service is Poop 911's specialty. POOP 911 can poop scoop your yard and remove toxic and unpleasant dog poop. We offer a large selection of other services to help you enjoy your yard with your family and pets alike. Dog waste facts
Sign up for pooper scooper service in 3 minutes online now with our completely automated scheduling system and your yard can be poop free as early as tomorrow!
Weekly dog waste clean up starting as low as
pricing may yvary based on area
The Animal Lovers' Gift Shop
728 Manitou Avenue
Manitou Springs, Colorado
719 685 4772
Safe Place for Pets
Finding forever homes for pets of terminally ill people.....
and partnering with the terminally ill to keep their pets a home.
719 359-0201
1141 Manitou Ave.
Manitou Springs, Colorado
Victory Service Dogs
"Vets Helping Vets"
Helping local Veterans affected with PTSD
or other disabilities gain improved quality of life
through partnership with a service or support do
4440 Barnes Rd #200
Colorado Springs, CO 80917